Attention: All Democrats residing in Assembly District 36 are hereby notified that the SBCDCC representative seat is currently vacated, due to a resignation, and open for nomination to the Central Committee. All AD36 delegates are invited to nominate and all Democrats are invited to self-nominate per Sec. III, article 4 of the SBCDCC By-Laws. A nomination meeting will be held on Tuesday May 12 at 6:00 pm via Zoom (info below). The nominated individual shall appear for ratification consideration before the General meeting of the SBCDCC meeting convening on May 27 at 7 pm. (Note: Only AD36 current representatives can select nominees and recommend to the Central Committee, as required.)

Zoom participants will be placed in a waiting room to be verified by host.

Contact host at for more detail if you are a Democrat residing in one of those Districts and interested in serving on the SBCDCC.

Join Zoom Meeting Wed. May 12 at 6 pm