Candidates for SBCDP Leadership

Hello, Democrats!

These are the current candidates for SBCDP Leadership positions. Elections for these positions will be held at our General Meeting/Reorganizational Meeting at 7:00 pm May 23, in person, at the CTA, 430 E. Vanderbilt Way in San Bernardino.

Chair – Kristin Washington, AD 50, Permanent Alternate for Joe Kerr
1st Vice Chair – Sarah Gardam-Thomas, AD 34
2nd Vice Chair – Jim Gallagher, AD 59
3rd Vice Chair – Stacey Ramos, AD 50
Treasurer – no candidates declared yet
Corresponding Secretary – Lorraine Enriquez, AD 50
Recording Secretary – no candidates declared yet

If you are an elected member of the incoming Central Committee and you are interested in running for one of these positions, please declare by emailing Candidates who declare by May 14th will be on the printed ballots at the meeting; candidates who declare after May 14th will run as write-in candidates.

Updated May 15, 7:10 pm