Frustrated by Trump and his policies?
Let’s hold our Republican Congressmembers’ feet to the fire!
Here’s how to help to make REAL change:
Attend or Demand a Town Hall
Hold Republican Congressional members accountable. Too many Republicans are hiding from the public – and we deserve to be heard. Plan to attend a local Republican Congressional town hall or call on your local Republican congressional member to host one.
Make Some Phone Calls
There’s nothing more persuasive than a call from a congressional constituent. If you don’t live in a Republican congressional district, you can still call Democrats who do and ask them to get involved!
Rallies, Marches and Trainings
Click here to see a listing of visibility events with other unaffiliated allies. Keep checking back for more – they are updating their sites daily – and we will be adding more!
Letters to the Editor
Write a letter to the editor and make your voice heard, urging your local, state, and congressional representatives to continue to protect progressive values for all. Remember: these are brief and each paper has it’s own submission guidelines.
This post was borrowed from the CADEM website under take-action.