What do ADEM Delegates do for you at the State Party Level?
“The California Democratic Party Bylaws (Article VI) provide that an Assembly District Election Meetings (ADEMS) be held in each of the 80 California Assembly Districts in January of each odd-numbered year to elect 7 “self-identified female” and 7 “other than self-identified female” to be Assembly District Delegates (ADDs) to represent the Assembly District they are registered in. These elections are open to all California Democrats.
Assembly District Delegates (ADD) and the Democratic State Central Committee (DSCC) are responsible for planning and attending informational meetings throughout the region and working with other DSCC delegates throughout California to represent their community.
AD Delegates are elected by voters (to participate in the ADEM you MUST be a registered Democrat in that Assembly District). Together, Delegates vote and conduct Party business at the yearly State Convention and Executive Board meetings. Register. Your stamped return ballot will be delivered to your home address. Go to ademelections.com/ Vote for your ADD Candidates!
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