Jim Gallagher

Author's posts

2024 Local Election Candidate Endorsement process is open

Congratulations on your decision to run for public office! The San Bernardino County Democratic Party (SBCDP) is committed to electing Democrats at all levels of government.  Here are the steps to the SBCDP endorsement process: If you are running for a local seat that will be on the November 5, 2024 ballot and wish to seek the …

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Notice: SBCDCC General Meeting

General Meeting Notice – Thursday, August 26, 2021 at 7:00pmYou are invited to participate in a meeting of the general membership of the San Bernardino County Democratic Central Committee on Thursday, July 22nd @7:00pmMembers are encouraged to sign in @6:30. Observers will be admitted @7:00PMThis meeting will be conducted via zoom. Please register by clicking on the link below.Registration …

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Attention: All Democrats residing in Assembly District 36 are hereby notified that the SBCDCC representative seat is currently vacated, due to a resignation, and open for nomination to the Central Committee. All AD36 delegates are invited to nominate and all Democrats are invited to self-nominate per Sec. III, article 4 of the SBCDCC By-Laws. A nomination meeting will be held on Tuesday May 12 at 6:00 pm via Zoom (info below). The nominated individual shall appear for ratification consideration before the General meeting of the SBCDCC meeting convening on May 27 at 7 pm. (Note: Only AD36 current representatives can select nominees and recommend to the Central Committee, as required.)

Zoom participants will be placed in a waiting room to be verified by host. Contact host at kjgalla2@gmail.com for more detail if you are a Democrat residing in one of those Districts and interested in serving on the SBCDCC. Join Zoom Meeting Wed. May 12 at 6 pm

SBCDCC Zoom Event | L&R Committee Kickoff | SAT. 2.27 2PM

The San Bernardino County Democratic Central Committee (SBCDCC) is hosting a zoom event to kick off the Legislation and Resolution Committee Committee Overview – Irmalinda Osuna will share the committee purpose, goal, meeting details, etc. Resolution Writing 101 – Ana Gonzalez will explain what is a resolution, how to draft one and carry it forward …

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Fellow progressive Democrats

The California Nurses Association is hosting a training and educational meeting for CDP delegates and central committee members who support single payer guaranteed health care in California. This meeting will include a brief policy overview and will focus on how Democratic Party activists can use their party positions to effectively advocate for state-level single payer …

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San Bernardino Democrats Adopt Resolution

The San Bernardino County Democratic Central Committee calls on Governor Newsom to apply for waivers allowing California to implement Single Payer Health Care system within the first 100 days of the Biden Administration… Download the entire Resolution by clicking here.

Declare your Candidacy – Deadline Jan 15th

Central Committee Members and Alternates, Every two years, the California Democratic State Central Committee (DSCC) reorganizes.  Each time the DSCC reorganizes, our County Central Committee elects delegates to represent us on the DSCC.  This year, due to COVID restrictions, our delegate elections will be held on-line on Sat, Jan 23rd & Sun Jan 24th.   To be eligible for …

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Remember this week for the right reasons

Democrats, Like you, I was sickened by the siege that unfolded across my TV and social media screens on Wednesday. To prevent the peaceful transfer of power, Donald Trump incited those thugs to riot and storm the Capitol Building.  For that, the president should be removed from office immediately and those who desecrated the Capitol, …

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Attention All San Bernardino County Democrats! Register for the California Democratic Party 2021 Delegate Election Now!

What do ADEM Delegates do for you at the State Party Level? “The California Democratic Party  Bylaws (Article VI) provide that an Assembly District Election Meetings (ADEMS) be held in each of the 80 California Assembly Districts in January of each odd-numbered year to elect 7 “self-identified female” and 7 “other than self-identified female” to …

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AD 41 will Caucus for a New Member

Assembly District 41 has experienced the loss of a dear member, Ms. Linda Baker. In accordance with the San Bernardino County Central Committee Bylaws, AD 41 will caucus to select a new member this Sunday, December 20, @4pm. If you are a registered Democrat and live in California’s 41st Assembly District, you are eligible to …

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