Greetings to our new and returning Central Committee elected Democrats! In order to schedule a re-organization meeting for the SBCDCC, the following steps need to occur:
- Every new and returning member of the Central Committee was sent a letter via USPS with the information needed to credential. Most of the returned responses have only come from newly elected members. Some have been sent back via email once they contacted us. We must gather up-to-date information from returning members also. We cannot assume that no changes in profiles have occurred over the past four years. We have to verify that we have correct addresses, mailing addresses, phone numbers and emails in order to begin to schedule a meeting.
- We have members who do not have Internet access and we must find other ways to accommodate those individuals. They cannot be disenfranchised or ignored. This also applies to anyone who may require ADA accommodations.
- We are currently attempting to solve the problem that the SBCDCC Bylaws contain no provision for online/electronic meetings and voting. So we are working on creating that type of system in real-time.
The California Democratic Party finally held its first training for conducting electronic meetings, including re-organizational meetings, on Saturday, June 6, two days before this posting. The next update meeting will be Wednesday, June 10.
In the meantime, a subcommittee of the SBCDCC Executive Committee has contacted several companies that provide online voting options, and has conducted “test mock elections” among members of the Exec. Committee. As soon as the subcommittee has a recommendation(s) for platforms to use, that recommendation will be discussed at a formal online meeting of the entire Executive Committee. There are several options that look promising, and we’ll know more after Wednesday’s CDP training.
THE ONE THING OVER WHICH THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE HAS NO CONTROL IS THE INDIVIDUAL MEMBER’S COMPLETION OF THE CREDENTIALING PROCESS. The subcommittee is doing its job, but it is up to each member to do his/her part and send in their updated application plus pay their membership dues via ACT BLUE to ensure that we have complete and correct contact information and are paid up for every member.
Thank you for your patience and please send in your completed forms and pay dues on ACT BLUE.